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Philip Rigby

When you think about it, having wisdom teeth doesn’t really seem that “smart”!  After all, aren’t they a leftover from our prehistoric past, when it was TOTALLY fashionable to have a large jaw and a small brain?


Well, it appears we are stuck with them, but what to do. 


Firstly, having wisdom teeth does not automatically mean that they will cause problems or even need to be extracted.  If they have erupted (and functional) and you are able to keep them clean, they could be regarded the same as your other molars.  Even if they are not erupted but are not causing any problems, then it may be that they can be left well alone.


The issue is when they are painful because of recurrent infections, dental decay or other issues of the jaw.


Be sure to have them checked, especially if you have recently completed orthodontic treatment. Our friendly team of dentists at Brookfield Road Dental at Kenmore are here to help.  We can also assist with cleaning advice to keep them healthy if they are to remain.  (Pro tip, electric toothbrushes are a game changer!)

For more information see here or here.



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