Does your child seem to be hanging onto their baby teeth a little longer than you would expect? Not keeping up with their friends in the “Tooth Fairy” stakes? Maybe there are teeth that are popping out in unusual positions. Will my child look like a shark if I don’t do anything?
These are all quite common and completely understandable concerns as your child reaches certain development milestones. It is important to know that your concerns are not trivial. Whilst dental development in most cases will be about certain teeth appearing at a certain age, there will of course be variations. We are human after all!
What matters most is that your child is seen regularly by their family dentist. This gives you a chance to ask questions and also allows a trained professional to assess your child’s dental development and identify any areas of concern. In most cases it is “watch and wait” but under certain circumstances early intervention (perhaps with an Orthodontist) can make an immense difference in the long term.
Dr Phil and Dr Theingi at Brookfield Road Dental at Kenmore are here to help. For more information see here and here.
