As the average age of the Australian population gets older, this presents new challenges to our dental health that have not been an issue in years gone by. Whereas previously a much greater proportion of older Australians did not keep their natural teeth and wore dentures, these days there is a greater proportion of elderly Australians in aged care who still have their natural teeth and need to care for them to avoid unnecessary discomfort and loss of quality of life.
This need for dental care is further complicated by conditions such as Dementia, with an estimated 900, 000 living with this disease by the year 2050.
Prevention is always the best approach, ensuring our older Australians have access to a nutritious but not decay-causing diet, as well as building and reinforcing good habits with regards to tooth brushing with a fluoride toothpaste, frequent hydration with plain water and regular dental check-ups.
Our team of Dentists at Kenmore have over 20 years’ experience caring for the Dental needs of older Australians. For more information see